Wheel thrown bowls, vases and sculptural forms highlighting the beautiful whiteness, smoothness and slight translucency of porcelain.
Bowls and vases are thrown on the wheel into large simple bowl forms and skinny vases that are often joined together to make tall Standing forms. Energetic sweeps of thick porcelain slip are applied to create intriguing jagged edges and deep textural surfaces. Other forms are pierced and bored into whilst leather hard when masses of ridged holes can be formed – like colonies of barnacle shells on coastal rocks. Rims and edges are pinched to wafer thinness to encourage a feeling of lightness, delicacy and translucency.
New Grounded sculptures are designed to be unique statement pieces with a strong visual presence. They are formed by joining together tapered tubular forms to create an organic structure. The pointed ends of finely tapered skinny tubes graze the ground or are suspended like shoots searching for the ground. As with plants once anchored on the ground the pieces grow upwards to create a dynamic vibrancy to the sculptures. Intriguing negative spaces are created by the tubular forms that draw the eye inwards. As the pieces are all glazed they can be used to hold flowers.

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